Now available | January 2024

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ISSN: 1885-365X | ISSN DIGITAL: 1885-9542


Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR) 
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid  
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Replicants, impostors and surrogates: communication and artificial intelligence




Interdisciplinary journal of Communication Sciences and Humanities


Comunicación y Hombre is an annual interdisciplinary journal of Communication Sciences and Humanities, that was created as an initiative of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University Francisco de Vitoria in November 2005. The aim of the publication is to offer a scope for reflection and dissemination of studies and research Which are made in the field of Communication Sciences, taking as reference the basis of Humanism.

These pages are open to a new communicative model, which seeks solid references in which they know how to combine, with a critical and human sense, the different lines of research in the disciplines that have a direct relationship with communication from a humanistic point of view. Comunicación y Hombre always emphasizes the search for truth from critical realism, a principle that verifies the true university formation and which, if it is always necessary, is essential when the magazine, as in the present case, is a publication of a university.


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Published in Communication and Man

"Something is beautiful precisely only to the extent that it allows us to know invisible things through visible things. Beauty makes us know the invisible things (the soul, goodness, purity, love, truth) through the visible."

Dr. Daniela Musicco
Publisher/Director Comunicación y Hombre. PhD Comunicación UCM 2003. Master Comunicación Empresa ESIC 2013

"The flow of data on the internet and in networks is endless and the danger of excess information is the lack of training to discern"

Dr. Daniela Musicco
Publisher/Director %22Comunicación y Hombre%22. PhD Comunicación UCM 2003. Master Comunicación Empresa ESIC 2013

"News organizations have been implementing specialized units of work with the ability to use various big data techniques and data filtering tools"

Jesús Miguel Flores Vivar
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

"Still today there is a lack of competence development in data management applied to sports management"

Leonor Gallardo
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

"The analysis of the clinical history data will allow defining new solutions for all members of the health system"

Ernestina Menasalvas
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid