Impact factor
After studying various indicators, the Communication and Man rankings in international indexations 2018/2019 (Impact Factor) is reflected in the list presented here; This measure is useful to verify the importance of the journal with respect to other scientific publications, to observe the repercussion in the scientific community. The following ranking has been obtained through the impact factor of the magazine, checking the number of times an article published in Comunicación y Hombre is cited, on average. We move on to list some of these rankings.
ESCI – WOS (Web of Science) Position 41 in Spain Communication Magazines Decil D4 Impact 0.393 Percentile 64. Communication and Man has been admitted in 2019.
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journal) Online International Directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journal. DOAJ is independent. Communication and ManAdded 23 March 2019.
MIAR (Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals) Assessment: Emerging Source Citation Index = + 3.5; In indexing and summary databases or DOAJ (Academic Plus Source, MLA Modern Lengua Database, DOAJ) = 3 + 2 = 5 Survival: (14) = +1.1 ICDS 9.6 (2019).
Visibility Database (1/101), Multidisciplinary Database (1/8); WOS / Scopus (1/5) Assessment systems (2/6) e-Summaries (1/1)
Annual ICDS
ROMEO SHERPA (2019) blue and DULCINEA (2019) blue
LATINDEX Selective Catalog v 1.0 (2002-2017) Characteristics met 31, characteristics not met 2. Criteria 31/33
ERIHPLUS (Present since July 2020)
RESCH Editorial quality criteria CNEAI 13/18 ANECA 15/22 LATINDEX 31/33 C Dissemination of database 3
Google Scholar2019: H5 index: 6Articles published in the last 5 years H5 / 6 (6 articles cited at least 6 times each). Median H5: 11.
Journal Scholar Metrics Communication International Position 227th Q3 H5-Index 4 H5-Median 6 H Citations 23 Without journal self-citations: H5-Index 4 H Citations 23RESH compliance with the parameters: CNEAI (13/18), ANECA (15/22), Latindex (31/33 print edition). Accumulated impact 2004-2008: 0.061
CIRCClassification C in Social Sciences and Humanities (2016)
DICE Assessment of international dissemination 10.5. Internationality of contributions 2.63 ANEP category B. Latindex criteria 31 Database including DOAJ, RED ALyC, ISOC
IN-RECS Magazine «source» 2010 (4th quartile in 2010, 17th position of 17 Communication magazines
DIALNET Metrics Impact 2018 0.344 Communication 2018 13/51 CIRC (Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals) Social Sciences C. Other catalogs REBIUN