A Look from the Inside. Contributions on the Perception of the Journalistic Profession by Students of the Degree in Journalism at The Complutense University of Madrid
The students of the Degree in Journalism at The Complutense University of Madrid in the academic year 2013-2014 constitute the research focus of the present article whose main objective is to fully comprehend the way in which they perceive their profession as well as their expectations when they firstly come into our classrooms. In order to provide a basis for such an approach, we commence from a triad of hypothesis and proceed through an elaborate quantitative apparatus, to finally draw the conclusion that the vast majority of our undergraduates have vocational aspirations, that ethics is key to the development of the journalistic career and that mass media influence their political and consumeristic options.
Comunicación y Hombre. 2017, nº13
Comunicación y Hombre. 2015, nº11
Comunicación y Hombre. 2016, nº12