Throughout history the aesthetic ideal was associated with a canon of beauty. However, its design has varied, depending on the period and its trends. In the 21st century, the return to a canon of minimalist, polished beauty that eliminates any imperfection opposes the aesthetic trends of kitsch and bling bling. This confrontation or dichotomy seems similar to those that arose during the Renaissance and the Baroque, or in Neoclassicism and Romanticism. Bling bling is understood as the ostentation of luxury and a taste for ornamentation, the result of the accumulation of merchandise and with a pretentious desire to impact, which seeks, above all, the expression of uniqueness. In response, a minimalist beauty, which follows very proportioned and measured designs, has been prevailing in recent years. Advocates quality over quantity; simplicity in clothing and practicality in our daily life. However, this new canon seems to lead us down a sinister path, as greater uniformity and dehumanization begins to appear in the world around us.

Beauty in the 21st century: between bling-bling and the return of the canon
7 de octubre de 2022
12 de octubre de 2022
Throughout history the aesthetic ideal was associated with a canon of beauty. However, its design has varied, depending on the period and its trends. In the 21st century, the return to a canon of minimalist, polished beauty that eliminates any imperfection opposes the aesthetic trends of kitsch and bling bling. This confrontation or dichotomy seems […]
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