Numbers > Number 20 > Misinformation and fake profiles. Twitter and the Lacambra case
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ISSN: 1885-365X

Misinformation and fake profiles. Twitter and the Lacambra case

4 de octubre de 2022
10 de octubre de 2022

The pandemic has led to a growing consumption of social networks, the so-called infodemic, with the dissemination of deliberate and premeditated, truthful and credible messages, but also misinformation and fake news with agitational intentions and seeking a reaction. We propose a reflection on the activated profiles and their intentional messages, which spread virally in the digital scenario, where the network man —homo dictyous—lives. The case study of the profile —@mgllacambra— is presented, which was born in the middle of the pandemic, when the “state of alarm” was declared in Spain and which, in two weeks, gained thousands of followers and became a trending topic (TT). This study, following the analysis model of digital rhetoric, aims to contribute to the reflection on the messages and profiles spread on the networks, providing as its main novelty the focus on the who, on the profile, to show and demonstrate – especially to millennials and generation Z—the need for analysis and reflection, to contrast and verify sources to verify the information and data disseminated in social networks, where true, authentic and misleading or fallacious messages are propagated, proclaimed, published and disseminated.

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