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Copyright notice. Intellectual property policy

Intellectual property policy

The Journal Comunicación y hombre is an open access scientific publication, its reading is therefore completely free online and only the publication rights of the texts submitted and admitted are kept in order to favor their diffusion, guaranteeing self-archiving in repositories, directories, international information systems and non-profit databases.

Copyright notice

1. The publishing rights belong to the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and its permission is necessary for any reproduction. For this reason, authors must authorize an agreement and declaration of no conflict of interest. This is a necessary requirement for the publication of the article. In any case it will be necessary to indicate the origin of any total or partial reproduction.

Declaration of Conflict of Interest and Disclosure: A conflict of interest is any circumstance in which the personal, professional or financial interests of the participants in the editorial process may unduly influence the quality, objectivity or interpretation of an article.

Authors must transparently declare any conflicts of interest that may arise during the conduct of their research or the writing of their article. This includes financial relationships, institutional affiliations, and any other factor that may affect the objectivity of the paper.

Likewise, reviewers agree to conduct their reviews in an unbiased and objective manner. They should refrain from reviewing a manuscript if there is any conflict of interest that may compromise their ability to evaluate the work fairly. All confidential information obtained during the review process must be treated with the utmost confidentiality and not used for personal purposes.

2. The UFV retains the copyright of the published works, and favors and allows the reuse of the same under the license indicated in CREATIVE COMMONS (CC BY-NC-ND).

The journal Comunicación y Hombre reaffirms its commitment to ethical publishing and respect for intellectual property. It seeks to balance open access with the need to safeguard the rights of authors and ensure that their contributions are used in an ethical and responsible manner.

This license allows non-commercial distribution of the complete work, enabling readers, academics and society in general to benefit from knowledge without economic restrictions. At the same time, it restricts the creation of derivative works and commercial use, thus protecting the originality and integrity of the scholarly work.


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