Most cited articles

Most cited articles

Communication and Man shares, from 2017, regularly the list of the most cited articles in his magazine. The most cited articles contribute to knowing the G and H indices and to quantify the bibliometric productivity of the authors based on their publication history.

This list is made from the number of citations obtained for each article.

Indirectly it is also a way of making visible the impact of the magazine’s publications.

Nº 09 2013 Periodismo Ciudadano. Citizen journalism and cloud journalism: the necessity of flow in the Broadband Society

Author: Fondevila-Gascón; Joan-Francesc

Google Scholar 103 / Visualizations 1350 /Downloads 1000

Nº 02 2006 Hacia una nueva teoría de la Comunicación. Towards a new theory of communication
A new vision of the communicative process: the Framing theory
Author: Giménez Armentia, Pilar
Google Scholar 35 | Visualizations 633 |Downloads 615

Nº 05 2009 Nuevas tendencias en la comunicación social. New trends in social media
From Word-of-mouth to Viral Marketing: key aspects of communication through social networks.
Author: Aguado, Guadalupe; García García, Alberto
Google Scholar: 25 |Visualization 1976|Downloads 1917

Nº 04 2008 Comunicación y ciudadanía. Communication and citizenship
Macho violence and the media. Informative treatment of crimes related to mistreatment of women.
Author: Sánchez Rodríguez, Gabriel
Google Scholar 16 |Visualization 2153|Downloads 977

Nº 01 2005 La responsabilidad de los medios de comunicación en la sociedad. The responsibility of media in society
Mediating agents and responsible for children’s television consumption: family, school and media.
Author: Lazo, Carmen Marta
Google Scholar 9 |Visualization 741|Downloads 435

Nº 04 2008 Comunicación y ciudadanía. Communication and citizenship
Influence of digital media mutations in the traditional communicative structure.
Author: Pérez Serrano, Mª José
Google Scholar 7 |Visualization 406|Downloads 311

Nº 01 2005 La responsabilidad de los medios de comunicación en la sociedad. The responsibility of media in society
Children before television advertising.
Author: Martínez Rodrigo, Stella
Google Scholar 6 |Visualization 741|Downloads 525

Nº 06 2010 Estrategias persuasivas en la comunicación. Persuasive strategies in comunication
The binary man.
Author: Caldevilla Domínguez, David
Google Scholar 6 | Visualizations 444 | Downloads 303