Peer review process

Peer review process

Comunicación y Hombre only publishes articles that have the favorable opinion of the members of the Editorial Board of the magazine. To do this, the blind peer verification procedure is used.

Previously, the article must pass a formal review verifying that it complies with the Publication Standards. Otherwise, the article will be returned for adaptation to the guidelines that the magazine follows.

Acceptance will require the positive judgment of an expert from the Editorial Board, maintaining anonymity in the evaluation process of both the author and the evaluator. This blind peer review will determine your acceptance, your acceptance with reservations or your non-acceptance. In the case of acceptance with reservations, the article will be returned to the author for adaptation according to the evaluator’s suggestions. Once completed, it will be returned to the magazine to restart the evaluation process.

The same author may not publish articles in consecutive issues.

The Journal will send an acknowledgment of receipt of the papers received and once they have been evaluated, they will inform the interested party of their acceptance or, in the case of a negative evaluation, they will proceed to return them. The Editorial Board reserves the right to publish positively evaluated articles in the issue of the Journal that it deems most appropriate.

The authors will send their articles to Comunicación y Hombre through this platform. This submission implies the transfer of all rights for future dissemination. More information (criteria regarding)

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Replicantes, impostores y sustitutos: comunicación e inteligencia artificial