In this work, proposals derived from the sharp observations and criticisms deployed by Élisabeth Roudinesco in The Sovereign Self (2023) are recovered, about the conquests betrayed by social movements that sought different degrees of emancipation, in a not-so-distant past, and that today they consolidate modes of exclusion based on essentialisms that betray, as has just been pointed out and paradoxically, their original anti-essentialist proposals. Likewise, her reflections are combined with some central ideas of Judith Butler about subjectivity, gender and identity politics, in order to build a dialogue, not without controversy, between one author and another, and about their readings and appropriations. of original formulations, such as those of Michel Foucault. The underlying reflection focuses on the complex relationships between the generation of theory and experience, which places this approach in a frontier zone in epistemic-methodological terms, since it is resolved as a reflection exercise derived from a previous one with a strong empirical vocation. In this dialectic, the objectives set have to do with reflecting on certain approaches to identity-related phenomena, both from the theoretical or conceptual level, and from the perspective based on the understanding of the experience itself; at the same time, to return to findings from a previous research work, to diversify the ways of exploring the relationship between the concept and the experience, and, finally, it intends to provide analyses and experiences that mobilize the exercise of an identity policy based on dynamic subjectivation processes, in its inherent contingency, in order to strengthen the emerging emancipatory conquests of the social field, even from academic settings, to make of the difference, a potentially transforming concrete articulation on a social scale.
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