Numbers > Number 16 > Interpersonal Communication and Internal Communication in companies: an analysis from the profession and the University
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ISSN: 1885-365X

Interpersonal Communication and Internal Communication in companies: an analysis from the profession and the University

28 de octubre de 2019
7 de noviembre de 2019


This work aims to analyze the contribution made by university professors and Internal Communication professionals on two specific aspects: the state in which Internal Communication is currently in companies and the suitability of including as an object of study and Practical development of Internal Communication, the acquisition of competences in the field of Interpersonal Communication in work environments. Semi-structured interviews with managers of corporate communication and internal communication, as well as interviews with university teachers of the corresponding degrees in Information Sciences (Advertising and Public Relations, journalism and Audiovisual Communication) allow to shed light on the variables under study: the current situation of internal communication in organizations, and the role that is granted, or should be given within this discipline, to Interpersonal Communication. To complete our analysis we also provide a theoretical framework that allows us to give depth to the research proposal we present. Traditionally, the study of internal communication is approached from the theories of Public Relations and Corporate Communication, giving more weight to the value of the communication that is established between the organization and the employee, than to the value of the communication that is established between The people of the organization itself. The results are ambivalent: on the one hand, we find the growth that all respondents believe that Internal Communication is having in the professional field and with the crucial importance that should be given to Interpersonal Communication within Internal Communication. On the other hand, we find that the interviewees consider that, currently, higher education is not offering adequate or sufficient content to respond to the real needs that companies have in the field of Internal Communication. In addition, both professional categories highlight that the acquisition of skills in Interpersonal Communication within companies is practically non-existent.


1. Introduction

Internal Communication is one of the disciplines belonging to Public Relations and Corporate Communication with the greatest need for theoretical development. On the other hand, from the professional field, the discipline develops slowly but gradually.

For its part, Interpersonal Communication has been building its Theoretical Framework from disciplines such as Human Communication, Psychology, Sociology and even Anthropology, being today a discipline that, in general, does not finish finding its place neither its development within the communication departments of the organizations nor within the theory of Public Relations and Corporate Communication.

Faced with this situation, there are many academic and professional experts who see Interpersonal Communication as a fundamental tool to improve organizational aspects such as building an adequate work environment, accompanying workers in the face of changes in corporate culture or reducing conflicts. internal within the organization.

From a contextual framework, we are in a deep state of social, economic and value change, which decisively affects organizations. The present scenario forces companies to transform at a dizzying pace that determines the creation of labor climates of instability and mistrust among people.

According to all of the above, it is considered appropriate to reflect on the aspects that make up our 2 research questions: What is the current state of Internal Communication? What relevance, within this area, is given to Interpersonal Communication?

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