Teach sensitive discipline to parents. Learning by participating
Positive parenting implies sensitive discipline and it is defined as a parental behavior based on the best interest of the child that is nurturing, empowering, and providing recognition and guidance which involves setting of boundaries to enable the full development of the child. Positive parenting is focused on strengthening and empowerment of parents and families by improving the ecology of parenting and promoting parental competences. Parents need informal and formal support to perform their parenting tasks, especially those living under adverse circumstances. The paper presents a showcase of psychological guidelines for the promotion of a collaborative framework in the context of research/families/services partnership.
It is described how the implementation of evidence-based parenting programs delivered through home visits could effectively support parents in their parenting role. Furthermore, it is illustrated one of the most effective current parenting program labeled Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline-VIPP-SD as a modeling example of a fruitful way to sustain both the child and the family wellbeing through reliable parenting interventions.
It is then discussed for whom and under what circumstances this kind of parenting program has shown to be effective and what are the main research outcomes obtained. A conclusive remark underlines the long-term benefits of addressing parental strengths and resources, instead of problems and difficulties, in order to achieve more longstanding findings in sustaining parenting role and tasks.