
The Beauty of the Scientific religatio with Metaphysics in Evandro Agazzi. Reflections about Scientific Objectivity and its Contexts
28th april 2015
6th may 2015
The present paper shows how in the thought of Evandro Agazzi, in his most recent work Scientific Objectivity and its Contexts (Springer, 2014) science is an odyssey of human spirit that acquires its fullness, without losing its modern characteristic as objectivity, only reconsidering its inherent and systemic bond with its different contexts of creation and in particular with metaphysics. The central idea of Evandro Agazzi comes from the re-interpretation of the causes that motivated the separation of science from metaphysics in the scientific revolution. Since that reconsideration he presents a model of scientific thought linked to its social, hermeneutics, but mainly metaphysical context.
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Comunicación y Hombre. 2015, nº11
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