Keyword: Art
Two sides of the same coin?: a reflection on the relation between engagement and participation in the media
Comunicación y Hombre. 2017, nº14
Citizen journalism and cloud journalism: the necessity of flow in the Broadband Society
Comunicación y Hombre. 2013, nº9
Participatory photography in the socio-educational context with teenagers
Comunicación y Hombre. 2013, nº9
Crystal Words: The Contemporary stained glass windows of Cuenca’s Cathedral
Comunicación y Hombre. 2013, nº9
Martin Heidegger on The Wild Strawberries Corner (Smultronstället, Ingmar Bergman, 1957): audiovisual narratives for showing the temporality
Comunicación y Hombre. 2016, nº12
The rise of outsider candidates as a result of the new forms of Political Communication and public disaffection
Comunicación y Hombre. 2016, nº12
Citizen use of Twitter in important political events. The #SesiónDeInvestidura of Pedro Sánchez
Comunicación y Hombre. 2017, nº13