Keyword: IA
How to think and speak about God today? The conceptual basis for a renewed dialogue between raison and faith
Comunicación y Hombre. 2019, nº15
The informative rigor in postruth age: the threat of the fake news in the social media
Comunicación y Hombre. 2019, nº15
Demand and sensitivity in the 21st century classrooms
Comunicación y Hombre. 2019, nº15
The original meaning of the terms “commitment” (compromissum) and “engagement” in law and their current sense
Comunicación y Hombre. 2017, nº14
Against the “foreign enemy”.The emissions from RNE (spanish national radio) in french language (1945-1953)
Comunicación y Hombre. 2005, nº1
Euphemism as an instrument of social manipulation
Comunicación y Hombre. 2005, nº1
The journalist’s freedom in practicing his profession
Comunicación y Hombre. 2005, nº1
The pressure of public opinion on the journalist’s work/role during the war in Iraq
Comunicación y Hombre. 2005, nº1