The new legal context for the financing of the public broadcast television in Spain
On August 28, 2009 the new Law 8/2009 that regulates the system of financing of RTVE came into force. The publication of this new Law into the Bulletin Official of the State not only transforms the system of financing foreseen in the Law 17/2006 of creation of the current Corporation RTVE but, also, with the double route of financing based on the advertising resources and the subsidy foreseen in the Statute of Radio and Television of 1980. From now RTVE’s Corporation will have to be financed, as it appears in its article of the new Law, across a program combined with based in the payment of taxes at the expense of the rest of private operators and companies of television. A system broadcast television which first consequence has been the redistribution of the advertising Spanish market and the need to adapt the emission of the public television to a new normative frame.
Comunicación y Hombre. 2010, nº6