Numbers > Past issues Past issues All the issues of Comunicación y Hombre Nº 20 NOW ONLINE AVAILABLE What is beauty in the XXI century See more Now you can see online all the contents of the issue number 20. nº20 nº20 WHAT IS THE BEAUTY IN 21ST CENTURY nº20 What is beauty in the XXI century nº16 Data communication: Data driven / Human driven nº15 Nº15: Rigor and sensitivity in the post-truth era nº14 ENGAGEMENT: Commitment in Communication and Humanities nº13 New forms of Political Communication II nº12 New forms of Political Communication nº11 Transmedia communication and new narratives nº10 Communication on the international scene nº9 Citizen Journalism: between professionalism and participation nº8 The value of communication in times of crisis nº7 The impact of new media format nº6 Persuasive strategies in comunication nº5 New trends in social media nº4 Communication and citizenship nº3 The new models of communication, a reflection of the culture nº2 Towards a new theory of communication nº1 The responsibility of media in society Colabora en los próximos números de Comunicación y Hombre AVATARES Replicantes, impostores y sustitutos: comunicación e inteligencia artificial CALL FOR PAPER Trascendencia CALL FOR PAPERS Blog Blog See more articles