This essay shows the great value that a right use of the images, created by human beings, may have on ethics reflection and moral engagement. Still today very often we find conceptions about images that consider them as enemies of ethics and human values. This essay explores some of the big possibilities that a careful use of the images, both in media and in Arts, could have for moral education. That is why the article offers some practical keys on this topic. The paper shows this both for individuals and groups or organizations. Finally, the text ends suggesting the relationship between images and words, dialogue and social reflection, in order to develop values, with creativity, in the context of personal and deep encounters.
Comunicación y Hombre. 2017, nº14
Comunicación y Hombre. 2017, nº14
Comunicación y Hombre. 2017, nº14
Comunicación y Hombre. 2017, nº14
Comunicación y Hombre. 2017, nº14