Keyword: IA
Metamorphosis and fragmentation of the beautiful: brief reflection
Comunicación y Hombre. 2024, nº20
The origin of beauty: the primordial imago
Comunicación y Hombre. 2024, nº20
The origin of beauty: the primordial imago
Comunicación y Hombre. 2024, nº20
Love and social networks: a McLuhanian perspective
Love and social networks: a McLuhanian perspective
The medium is the message and Social Networks: How the concepts of Marshall McLuhan apply to digital platforms of social exchange between users
Somenthing of Marshall MCluhan’s theories, Avant La Lettre in the Rome of the Emperor Adriano
Epistemological, anthropological, ethical and educational considerations for a Person-Centered Clinical Communication
Comunicación y Hombre. 2020, nº16
Tabloidization and media spectacularization: conceptual discussion and empirical approaches
Comunicación y Hombre. 2020, nº16